For the exhibition SuperWest in the Van Eesteren museum Frederike was asked to develop work. The exhibition was about 20 years of urban renewal in Nieuw West, Amsterdam.
Many award-winning buildings were on show as scale models. To complement the exhibition with her work, Frederike had to focus on 7 of these buildings.
With a toolbox full of letters she asked neighbours to come up with words and sentences which they thought it represents the specific area or building they live, learn or work in. Using this as a conversation starter to talk further, brought her towards great input for the artistic work: a variety of sayings, expected ánd surprising words which were used in several mobiles.
The texts in the mobiles are made of materials that play with light. Reflections and coloured shadows dancing are dancing through the museum as the work catches some sunlight.
(on show until the 18th of December ‘22)
The 7 buildings:
New West
Ru Paré
Stadstuin Overtoom
New York / Amsterdam
Material: steel, yarn, acrylate
Pictures by Dalal Elouariachi
Used words:
mengen zou mooi zijn
gewoon fijn samen
veel patio's
een thuis maken
to learn
droog vertoeven
het gevoel doorgeven
center oriented
i just live here
dubbele functie
ik bel hem vanavond even
deur staat open
na vieren geen zon
van hallo en groeten